K finskému laponskému psu jsme se dostali úplnou náhodou. Při koupi domu člověk samozřejmě potřebuje i psího hlídače. Zároveň jsme však sháněli plemeno takové, které bude tolerantní k dětem, které jednou doplní i náš domov. Při mém usilovném pátrání po "dokonalém" plemeni mi jednoho dne zavolala mamka a povídá "A co lapina? Ta by se Vám nelíbila?"....

To the finnish lapphund we found our way by totaly luck. When we bought a house we were thinking about a watchdog. Because for both of us were a sure thing that in garden and in our household must be some dog. So we started looking for the ideal breed which will be also suitable for children who will fill...

Suomenlapinkoira is social breed with a huge heart which stands out especially with their temperament. It´s easy to learn them new commands and they are good manageable. Finnish lapphunds are also good watchdogs but you shouldn´t expect from them the defense. Even though they would never physically attack a human, they can loudly announce to a...

This breed were used by Laponian in regions of nowadays Finland, Sweden, Norway and Russian for hunting and protecting their tents. After change their life style was this breed used for pasture of reindeers herds. For understanding the character of this breed is important to know that their members had to survive in extremly low temperatures,...

Lapinkoira has only little difference in temperament between males and bitches against the other breeds. Both genders are friendly and nice, they want share all activities with theirs breeder. It is a contact dog suitable for the begginers, active seniors and responsible older children. Lapinkoira is loving and loyal family dog who very well get...