How we get a lapinkoira

To the finnish lapphund we found our way by totaly luck. When we bought a house we were thinking about a watchdog. Because for both of us were a sure thing that in garden and in our household must be some dog. So we started looking for the ideal breed which will be also suitable for children who will fill our life in the future. I asked my mom for help because she had lot of different types of breeds all her life. One day she called me and said "And what about lapinkoira? It could be the right breed for you...". After this phone call I started searching for all available informations about finnish lapphund.
As soon as we decided to buy this breed we had a luck! at this time were puppies of lapinkoira in Czech republic and one girl was free. So that´s how became to our life fluffy ball of happiness and love Lumi.
Lumi impressed us by her amazing temperament: she´s very active bitch who love movement and she loves to do all activities which like her owners. The education was really easy for us thanks to her natural intelligence. The love and passion for this breed weren´t leave us and last year (2018) we bought to Lumi new doggy friend Thea.
After Thea´s arrival to our home didn´t come expected jealousy from Lumi side. Lumi immediately considered Thea as a part of her pack. Thanks to Lumi was the education of Thea so much easier. She got acquainted Thea with all daily rituals and habits in her new home. She was also a big help for Thea when she learnt new commands. Today they cannot be without themselves and is unbelievably beatiful to watch their games and their behave to each other. From both girls shines the great belonging.
Girls are full-fledged members
of our household and I hope that they are happy with us as same as we are happy with them.